Laser hair removal is the only scientifically accepted method to eliminate unwanted hair growth.
The latest hair removal technology we use in our Beauty Lab combines the wavelengths of the three classic lasers (Alexandrite 755nm, diode 808nm, Nd: Yag 1064nm) into one head and gives optimum results because it effectively combines the advantages of three lasers.
Thanks to SHR (Super Hair Removal) technology, which allows continuous head movement, horizontally and vertically, as well as the special cooling system, you can experience a completely painless treatment and the coverage of larger areas is achieved in less time.
Laser hair removal with this particular know-how is based on selective destruction of the hair follicles without damaging the surface of the skin and without affecting the surrounding tissues.
This laser is safe for all seasons, even during summer months and effective even for the darkest phototype.
The innovative SHR laser technology is the most modern and effective method of laser hair removal.
The area to be waxed needs to be shaved while hair face is trimmed before treatment.
Exposure to sunlight is the main cause of blemishes due to the action the sun has on melanin, a dark pigment that colors the skin. Blemishes appear as circular spots darker than our skin. With our latest generation laser equipment, you will get rid of blemishes and discolorations and your skin will regain its uniform color.
Face cleansing with activated carbon is the newest cosmetic technology. It is especially effective for oily skin, acne, enlarged pores or dull and uneven skin tone. It reduces wrinkles and fine lines, stimulates the formation of new collagen and soothes the skin. This painless procedure offers immediate benefits with lasting results.
Look and feel younger today.
We offer the best non-surgical beauty solutions available on the market. Our range of services and treatments include laser hair removal and skin refinement with state-of-the-art equipment. Our staff is well trained in all the latest facial and body treatments designed to provide you with high quality services.
Birth marks are colored marks above or below the skin that appear either at birth or shortly afterwards. They are usually caused by extra cells that produce pigment on the skin or by blood vessels that do not grow normally. Spider lines, whether related to heredity or not, affect up to 50% of the adult population. They are caused by increased pressure within the veins and can appear anywhere on the body, but mainly on the face and legs.
LASER treatment is the most modern method for permanent results. It only takes a few sessions to erase signs that you’ve been carrying for years.
At BODYLASER we have the knowledge to deal immediately with all types of marks, anywhere in your body, healthy and permanently.